That was it! Thanks!

thomas bonfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: have you set IMAGETYPE AGG_PNG ?

On 8/11/07, Steve Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The instructions below did 
not appear to help. 

I tried installing the 32bit agg libraries into /usr/lib using the fedora 
package manager, and then re-configed and compiled mapserver. I was able to 
compile mapserver, but unfortunately the graphics still appear to be GD. 


Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:   Ticket #2215: HowTo Build AGG 
with freetype support from sources,

Steve Smith wrote:
> I am attempting to use AGG with mapserver-5.0.0-beta3. I am using the 
> following OUTPUTFORMAT statement in my .map file:
> Is this correct?  The graphics do not look like AGG. Are there other 
> statements in  the .map file that could result in the use of GD graphics? 
> I followed the explanations in:
> but, still no success. Configuring and compiling mapserver was 
> successful. No errors occurred. I initially had a problem configuring  
> with AGG, using libraries in /usr producing the following error message:
> checking if AGG support requested... configure: error: "could not find 
> agg_rendering_buffer.h or libagg.a in /usr." 
> I think this error was a result of my machine being 64 bit, which the 
> current beta versions does not recognize. Things worked after I changed 
> the directory to an AGG installation in /usr/local/agg. 
> Steve
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