On 9/6/07, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> frequens wrote:
> > With Mapserver 5.0 coming with the second rendering engine (nice
> > results) it is imperative to install the AGG library. Unfortunately the
> > AGG documentation is rather short. Would somebody be willing to write a
> > few lines how to install Libagg for Mapserver use, preferably for a
> > Linux system?
> >
> > Thank you in advance,
> >
> > frequens
> You do not need install AGG, just download it to a working dir and type
> make in that dir. Then in the mapserver dir
>     ./configure --with-agg=/path/to/agg/dir ...
> and you are done.
> -Steve

Sorry, Steve and Thomas, did not work for me at all on a Linux Opteron box.

I had to do it the way Yves describes it:
http://wiki.gloobe.org/doku.php/foss_installation#compilation_v5.0 (already
also in English, thanks Yves; I had to do also the "make install").
And yes, libSDL2.1-devel seems to be obligatory, while the
'–libdir=/usr/lib64'  setting was not needed on my system.

Thanks to all,


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