If you own mapinfo, there is an easy way to use mapbasic to create a
script that will split your table up based upon the entity type. It's a
matter of looping through a select statement that filters on object type
and then save the selection as tablename_entity_type.TAB.

Jan Hartmann schreef:
I really would advise you to split them up. Being lazy always creates more work in the end, I can tell you. I have lots of personal experience in that field :-)


Delfos, Jacob wrote:
Hi Jukka,

When I have the data a bit cleaned up, I'll have a look if I can put
something together. Currently I'm still in the process of "sifting
through" :)

I'm dealing with a lot of MapInfo files with mixed geometries, and I
want to see if I can get away with being lazy (meaning I don't split up
tables by geometry).



-----Original Message-----
From: Rahkonen Jukka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 30 October 2007 14:52
Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer and PostGIS GEOMETRY type

Hi Jacob,

Would it be impossible for you to create a couple of such records and make a controlled trial to see what really happens?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Delfos, Jacob
Sent: Tue 30.10.2007 0:53
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer and PostGIS GEOMETRY type
Hi Jan,

Thanks for your reply. But I still need to find out how MapServer will
deal with the records that contain an unexpected geometry type. I could
have a polygon layer pointing to a table which I expect to contain
polygons. But if the geometry type of the table is GEOMETRY, then it
could contain a line object. What will MapServer do?

If I do an attribute query on such a table, will it return matching
records even if the geometry object is a line, though the layer is a
polygon layer?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Hartmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 October 2007 20:13
To: Delfos, Jacob
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer and PostGIS
Hi Jacob,

The Mapfile Reference Manual, chapter Layer says (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/mapfile/layer)


TYPE [point|line|polygon|circle|annotation|raster|query|chart]

Specifies how the data should be drawn. Need not be the same as the shapefile type. For example, a polygon shapefile may be drawn as a point layer, but a point shapefile may not be drawn as a polygon layer.Common sense rules.


You probably just have to try it out on your data.


Delfos, Jacob wrote:
Hi List,

For a particular client I have to translate a lot of
MapInfo files into
PostGIS. Some files may contain some different geometries,
which ogr2ogr
doesn't like. So I force the geometry type to "GEOMETRY" (-nlt GEOMETRY). It translates fine, and seems to draw fine in
MapServer. But
how does MapServer really deal with it?

If I have a polygon layer, and point it to a PostGIS table
that contains
objects of the type "GEOMETRY", does it simply ignore
anything that is
not a polygon? What about the results of attribute queries?
Would those
be filtered on the geometry type of the layer?

I can avoid using "GEOMETRY type" by translating the files
in FME, but
I'd prefer to recommend an Open Source solution.



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