Extra note:

MapInfo uses a large integer to describe it's internaly used colors. Here is a C# function to convert MapInfo color code to RGB: as you can see, the MapInfo color code is in format BGR instead of RGB.

Maybe this has to do with your problem?

private static Color miColorCodeToRGB(Int32 miColorCode)
       Int32 iRed;
       Int32 iGreen;
       Int32 iBlue;
       Int32 _miColorCode;

       _miColorCode = miColorCode;

       //lColor = lColor \ &H100  'divide
       //iGreen = lColor Mod &H100 'get green component

       iRed = _miColorCode % 0x100;
       _miColorCode = _miColorCode / 0x100;
       iGreen = _miColorCode % 0x100;
       _miColorCode = _miColorCode / 0x100;
       iBlue = _miColorCode % 0x100;

           Color _Color = Color.FromArgb(255,iBlue, iGreen, iRed);
return _Color;
           return Color.Transparent;

Frank Warmerdam schreef:
Delfos, Jacob wrote:
Hi List

I am trying to make use of the colour binding feature, and it basically works, except... the colours are not quite right. My colours do not match those in MapInfo, although I can make MapInfo emulate the MapServer colours by swapping blue and green around. So basically: my RGB values are interpreted by MapServer as RBG.

This happens for polygons as well as lines (haven't tried points). My data has been translated from MapInfo to PostGIS.

I tried to lodge a bug in Trac, but it says "TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation"

Does anyone know more about this colour problem?


With some pointers from Howard, I found this segment of code in
bindColorAttribute() in maputil.c:

    attribute->red = atoi(tokens[0]);
    attribute->blue = atoi(tokens[1]);
    attribute->green = atoi(tokens[2]);

I think this is responsible.  If you are building from source, try just
changing it to the more obvious organization.  I'd also suggest you
file a bug in Trac on the issue we will see if there is a subtle reason
for this, or it's just a typo.

To file bugs you need an OSGeo Userid.  The pointer to get an osgeo
userid which you can use to login with is under the title "Important
Notice" on the http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver page.  The same userid
can be used for other OSGeo services like subversion, and other
trac instances (like GDAL's).

Best regards,



Milo van der Linden
skype: milovanderlinden <skype:milovanderlinden?add>


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