Let me say that an OVF works excellent in combination with msSqlSpatial containing WKB geometry. I am however not sure that mySQL is so OGC compliant....

Frank Warmerdam schreef:
Vishal Nagpal wrote:
Hello Everybody,
I am trying to use MapServer to read MySQL spatial data but it is unable to
open the database.
I tried to use ogrinfo MySQL:test user=mysql  tablename -so
But it gave a message that unable to open with existing drivers, I am working pretty fine with POSTGRES, DGN and DT2 layers is it possible that i have missed out on some steps in installation of GDAL/OGR,

Also I tried to use ovf files but there too I faced the same problem,
Some of the examples of ovf file use
ODBC while others use MySQL which one to follow, is it OK to use either,


The MySQL driver is not built into OGR by default. Did you build GDAL/OGR
from source yourself?  Did you explicitly configure in Mysql support?

OVF (VRT) files are normally used when you use a mysql table through odbc
that is not using spatial data types. The OVF file tells OGR which columns
are x and y.

Best regards,



Milo van der Linden
skype: milovanderlinden <skype:milovanderlinden?add>


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