I'm trying for the first time to use MapServer as a WFS client and can't get the features to draw. They are correctly being downloaded to a .gml file in the images folder along with a .gfs file. So I think the connection is set up right, but they don't draw on the map.
I am trying to add the ssurgo layer from the Soil Data Mart. Here is my layer definition: LAYER NAME "ssurgof" TYPE Line TRANSPARENCY 100 DEBUG ON CONNECTIONTYPE WFS MAXSCALE 15000 MINSCALE 300 PROJECTION "init=EPSG:26918" END CONNECTION "http://sdmdataaccess.nrcs.usda.gov/SPATIAL/SDMNAD83UTM.w fs?SRSNAME=EPSG:26918" METADATA "wfs_typename" "MapunitPoly" "wfs_version" "1.0.0" "wfs_request_method" "GET" "wfs_connectiontimeout" "60" "wfs_maxfeatures" "15" END CLASS NAME "Soil Features" STYLE COLOR 200 255 0 SYMBOL "circle" OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 END END #CLASS # Name 'Soil Features' # TEMPLATE "querytemp.html" # SYMBOL "circle" # COLOR -1 -1 -1 # OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 # SIZE 2 #END # CLASS END # LAYER I thought maybe the features were drawing but the class was messed up and they weren't visible, so I tried two ways to define the class. Neither one works. Anyone have an idea what the problem is? Thanks. Mike Anderson