I was inspired by a posting of gratitude to the OpenLayers list, and thought I'd exercise my sincerity if not my originality, by thanking everybody.

Steve, Frank, Bart, Eric, Ed, and the other developers whose names escape me at the moment -- THANK YOU. MapServer made it possible for HostGIS to enter the GIS market four years ago, and continues to be my software of choice for WMS and WFS service.

And to the rest of the mailing list, thank you as well. Considering what I pay you for tech support, it's been worth double that. :) Seriously, though, you've helped me past the learning curve and through so many odd nuances and bugs over the years, that "I couldn't have done it without you" hardly expresses it.

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth
System Administrator, HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services

"Remember that no one cares if you can back up,
 only if you can restore." - AMANDA

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