Steve ( and others, sorry, long one, it's all your own faults though ),

I'm going along with the ideas that MapServer demos should be MapServer
specific.  All the replies seem to point to setting up demos to be
implemented after the installation has been done.   Although one could
argue that setting up MapServer could use some demos of it's own in some
cases.  :c)

I thought about the responses during the day and wondered about setting
up some sort of catalog for specific demos that might be needed, demos
that focused on specific capabilities.   I've been pondering the same
sorts of things for GeoMoose as well.   What's really the best way to
demonstrate the capabilities of a software package and still make the
searching, especially for the first timers, as easy as possible.  My gut
feeling is that the demos need to address specific capabilities, in a
minimalist way.

Now having said that, I also started to wonder about how these bits and
pieces could be tied together and made into some sort of whole in the
end where most of the capabilities are all packaged up into a few larger
groupings (or chapters if you will).   This method has some attraction
for me, as I can put things together over time and don't need to figure
everything out at once.   This demo book of chapters could also act as a
way to add in wish list items over time, for later expanding into new
demos.  You could even have versions of demos with an approach like
this.  The biggest attraction though, is that the chapters can be
addresses by the specific module or component keepers.  MapServer stuff,
Client application stuff, etc.

Now, for my ulterior motives, if this approach were taken, I could add
in my own GeoMoose chapters onto the MapServer book (by linking to
MapServer) and have a complete (or nearly) complete set of Doc's for my
application, I'm sure others with their own front-ends to MapServer
would have a similar interest.  This would also allow me to add in some
demos to the MapServer side that apply directly to the GeoMoose
application without affecting anything that is already there.  This is a
biggy, since newer users of GeoMoose and MapServer seem to get stuck on
some MapServer Basics while getting up to speed on GeoMoose.  I would
much rather contribute to the MapServer Doc/Demos than have duplicate
instructions of MapServer configs on the GeoMoose site, which is already
happening.  MapServer stuff stays with MapServer and Geomoose stuff
stays with GeoMoose.

Is there the beginnings of a DOC/Demo standard here, can/should this be
implemented with just demos to start with . . .?  It would be nice to
link back and forth to those sites that contribute to each others
doc's/demos too, then if something dies out, you just deprecate their
chapter in the respective book.

I wonder if this could be it's own Project somehow, all Doc's/demos in
one place for all components, of a particular application.  Would work
with inter-operation of things too, for example, GeoMoose could at some
point be used in front of something else besides MapServer and those
doc's/demos could be added as chapters.  Lot's of ways this could go I
guess.   Now I've thought my self into a trance again and need to stop
and think on it some more.  I'm sure others here will come up with more
thoughts. . . . .  :c)


Steve Lime wrote:
Hi all: I've got some time to put together a new demo for MapServer and would 
to get feedback from
the community on what it should look like. Currently there are a number of 
options out there but none
of them are very comprehensive. Demos that I know about include:

  - the Itasca demo application (came out of the MUM1 meeting):
  - Perry Nacionales' MapServer tutorial:
  - Mobile Geographics' MapServer Recipies:
  - MN DNR MapServer Test Suite:
- Various MS4W packages:
There are of course lots of questions:

  - should a demo be installable, hosted or both
  - what data should it use
  - should it cover just MapServer configuration (e.g. mapfiles)
  - should it cover installation as well or should that be left to how-to's
  - what relationship to other packages (e.g. OpenLayers, TileCache, Ka-map) 
should be demo'd

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

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