
When you are using ArcMap for doing the cartography the free extension called 
“AmeiN! / ArcGIs 9 to UMN” can help you initially producing a mapfile faster ☺.
Download at http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=466044 
Check http://umn.mapserver.ch/index_en.php for more tools for 
creating map files.

If you want all data in Postgis you need to edit the data tag in your mapfile: 
Be aware that Postgis layers are very handy and super cool but usually will be 
slightly slower performing ~ 10% than shape files !

Instead of a shape file e.g.  like this
        NAME "Country"
        DATA "yourpath/mapdata/countries"

You need to include reference like this
        NAME "Country"
               CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
               CONNECTION "user=youruser password=magicpassword dbname=yourbase 
           DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom, name, area, gid from 
countries_data) as temp using unique gid using SRID=4326"  

(SRID needs to be adjusted to your projection and unique “gid” is needed)

Regarding performance read the hints at

Some more tips:
- Use the minscale and maxscale feature tags to display data at different scales
E.g. you might want a simplified roads layer with different symbols at small 
scale (overview), but have several other more detailed roads layers that turn 
on automatically showing refined symbology when the user zooms in.

You can do the same for lakes and rivers
e.g include in layer definition to show a layer between 1:200000 - 1:500000
MAXSCALE 500000  

- take good care of labeling at different scales (labels are the salt and 
pepper of your map!)
e.g. use true type fonts, 
use Buffer and Mindistance to adjust how many labels show up on the map
                        TYPE TRUETYPE
                        FONT "verdana"
                        ANGLE AUTO
                        PARTIALS FALSE
                        POSITION UC
                        SIZE 10
                        BUFFER 12
                        MINDISTANCE 250
                        COLOR 20 20 80
                        OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 180

- for symbols create your own set to have good looking ones , use composite 
symbols , reference e.g. at 
Symbols at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/howto/symbologyexchange_vector 

- look at the REQUIRES and Labelrequires mapfile tag and use it to exclude 
layers layers that should or should not be displayed with each other

Remember that a long mapfile slows down performance (all layers that are turned 
off initially also do), however nice cartography requires more tags and layers 


From: Hans Castorp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 01:04
Subject: Map tunning

Hi to all,

Until now all my mapserver projects only included serving raster cartography 
without polyline or polygon layers, so all was very easy. No I am in front of a 
project that requires a “good looking” cartography (or, like you say, 
google-ish cartography), so it becomes harder and harder.
I think mapserver it’s quite easy for serving simple cartography but high 
customization it’s resulting very hard to me, so I need some help. Is there any 
tutorial or tool for helping with it?? I was making some trials with Mapstorer 
but results are very poor.

P.S. My cartography is created using Arcgis and after exported to PostGis.

Thanks in advance.

Hans Castorp

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