---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Miguel Cedenilla <m.cede...@gmail.com>
Date: mar, 7 mar 2023 a las 15:55
Subject: Project Virtual Globe Miguel Cedenilla
To: <co...@si.edu>, <cagisexec...@gmail.com>, <ieeegrss....@gmail.com>, <
presid...@icaci.org>, <secgene...@icaci.org>, <idre...@aucklanduni.ac.nz>, <
f...@fig.net>, <barba...@istanbul.edu.tr>, <i...@imiamaps.org>, <
i...@radi.ac.cn>, <isprs...@isprs.org>, <g...@civicamanagement.zendesk.com>

Estimated organization:

My name is Miguel Cedenilla, I studied Geography at the Complutense
University of Madrid.

I want to develop a virtual globe (like Google Earth) in four dimensions
(4D) of the natural evolution of the Earth and Human History.

This is my project (it's in Spanish and it's not finished yet):


This project is part of Banco Santander's Explorer business ideas contest.


How much does it cost monetarily to make a Virtual Globe?

How much does it cost to render in 4D (3D + time) a building, a mine, a

All the best. Thank you.

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