Le 17 sept. 2006 à 19:36, John Gruber a écrit :

Also, it does not seem to me that XML advocates the simple
interpretation of the <!-- --> comment rule.

Indeed, I left out the detail that XML comments cannot have a double hyphen in them as I didn't see that as an argument either for or against switching the matching rule. Valid XML comments *are* valid SGML comments and will match correctly using either.

The question is what to do about invalid XML comments.

On the one hand, I'm thinking Markdown shouldn't worry about this.
On the other, I'm thinking Markdown shouldn't generate invalid XML
if it can be helped.

Maybe Markdown should do something about double-hyphens inside comments. This way, a user could comment out any piece of Markdown text -- like this paragraph -- without having to worry about the double hyphens it contains.

As a downside, it may encourage some people to write badly-formed XML and HTML comments elsewhere on the web.

Michel Fortin

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