Hello to all!

Maruku is a Markdown interpreter written in Ruby. It is released under the GPL.

Maruku implements the original Markdown syntax and all the
improvements in PHP Markdown Extra. Moreover, it implements some ideas
from MultiMarkdown, and adds a syntax for specifying metadata for
block elements.

Unlike Bluecloth, Maruku creates an in-memory representation of the
document tree, and this makes it very easy to export to other formats.

Out of the box, Maruku offers export to HTML and to Latex/PDF.
There is syntax highlighting for code blocks via the `syntax` library
for HTML, and via the `listings` package for Latex.

Here there are some examples:



Download instructions at

In general it should suffice to do:

$ gem install maruku

This is my first time to release a gem, so let me know of any problem
you encounter while installing.

Try it with
$ maruku file.md       #  converts to html
$ marutex file.md       #  converts to tex and invokes pdflatex

Any feedback is appreciated.

In particular, what do you think of this (proposed) syntax for adding
meta-data to span-level elements?


Have a nice day!
Andrea Censi
      "Life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde)
Web: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~censi
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