Hello again!

This is the revised revised revised proposal:


The main change was to use an opening string of brace+colon "{:" to
not lock-up the precious "{" forever, so that in the future one could
think of using the braces also for other purposes.

Changes were:

*       Changed the syntax for compatibility with a future extension mechanism.

        The first character in the curly braces must be a colon, optionally
        followed by a space:
                {: ref .class #id}
        The old syntax was `{ref .class #id}`.
        For ALDs, the new syntax is:
                {:ref_id: key=val .class #id }
        instead of:
                {ref_id}: key=val .class #id

        Converters that don't use this syntax may just ignore everything
        which is in curly braces and starts with ":".

        For regexp-based interpreters, this is the regular expression to
        get rid of this stuff: `/\{:(\\\}|[^\}])*\}/`. Just do a
`gsub` with the empty
        string, and you are done.

*       IAL can be put both *before* and *after* the element.
        There is no ambiguity as a blank line is needed between elements:
                Paragraph 1
                Paragraph 2

        is equivalent to:
                Paragraph 1
                Paragraph 2

*       Simplified rules for escaping.

Andrea Censi
      "Life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde)
Web: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~censi
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