On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 02:45:08PM +0100, Thomas Nichols wrote:
> Ok -- so your primary profile would be
> http://maruku.org/syntax/
> and the current spec would have a profile of
> http://maruku.org/syntax/#0.5
> is that correct?
> This would allow us to chop the fragment identifier --
> '#major.minor' -- from the end of a profile, and match it
> against
> /\#(|v|ver)\d+\.\d+$/
> or similar.
> If we ever got energetic enough to implement all of this, we
> could then create documents and mark them with mime-type of
> text/x-markdown;profile=http://maruku.org/syntax/#0.5

Can anyone confirm that having the HTML fragment identifier
formatted as Thomas proposes is valid?  Both this [W3C design
issue paper][1] and [Wikipedia article][2] suggest otherwise, but
I'm not sufficiently familiar with this to say for certain.

[1]: <http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Fragment.html>
[2]: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier>

Phil Mocek
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