On Dec 4, 2007 4:29 PM, Thomas Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been using the ~~~ syntax for marking code blocks for a few weeks,
> and it's certainly an improvement over the existing four-space indent.
> However, it can be difficult to see at a glance where one code block
> begins and another ends, as in the following example:
> some normal text
> ~~~~
> some code
> ~~~~
> some more code... no, wait...
> ~~~~
> now *this* is code
> ~~~~
> and this ... errrr ...
> ~~~~

This is interesting, but if I understand the proposal correctly, there
is no (upper) restriction of the number of tildes you can use as long
as both the beginning and ending lines are of equal length. That means
the first block could use 4 while the second could use 6. For example:

Some text...

some code

More text...

more code

I realize that eliminating the blank lines helps also, but the
differing lengths are easy enough for my eyes to catch.

Waylan Limberg
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