On 15 Mar 2008, at 02:55, John Gruber wrote:

On Feb 28, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Tomas Doran wrote:

I'm actively maintaining the CPAN modules Text::Markdown, and Text::MultiMarkdown, and longer term, I'd like these to become the canonical distribution.

I despise what you've done with Text::Markdown, which is to more or less make it an alias for MultiMarkdown, almost every part of which I disagree with in terms of syntax additions.

Wow, that's pretty strong language. I'm glad I'm provoking strong opinions, and it's nice to see you actively contributing to Markdown's direction ;)

Personally, I don't actually like (or use) the MultiMarkdown extensions. As noted several times on list (http://six.pairlist.net/ pipermail/markdown-discuss/2008-March/001100.html and others), I *do not* consider what I've done to in any way be a good solution technically / internally in it's current form, and as such Markdown.pl is still a better 'reference' implementation.

However I find it somewhat ironic that you can criticise an active effort to actually move Markdown forwards (who's current flaws have been publicly acknowledged), when it passes more of your test suite than your effort does, and when you haven't even been bothered to update your own website about the project since 2004, despite having updated the code which can be found on your site (if you dig) much more recently than this.

Don't get me wrong - the internals of the code I'm publishing are *shockingly nasty*, and I *am currently* refactoring so that Text::Markdown is a standalone implementation (with just the original Markdown feature set), that Text::MultiMarkdown builds upon. I will also shortly be providing a Markdown.pl that works for command line usage and also does the MT and bloxom plugin magic.

At that point my implementation will be less buggy (by your test suite), faster and more compatible with recent perl versions than any version of the 'original' Markdown.pl. I also plan to (eventually) produce a Text::MarkdownExtra which adds those extensions, but I plan to do it from the same codebase, in some way that is less grotty than having a load (more) 'turn feature X off' switches.

The code I have at the moment, is, however a step along the road, and was the most pragmatic thing to do in the short term to un-fuck and update both modules.

I despise copy-pasted code, and forks for no (real) reason - seeing *another two* dead copies of the same code on CPAN made me sad, and so I've done *something* to take the situation forwards. Maybe if you'd put the effort into maintaining a community and taking Markdown.pl forwards at any time within the last 4 years, you wouldn't be in a situation where people have taken 'your baby' and perverted it to a point that you despise. If starting with Markdown.pl and going forwards with that *had been an option*, then that would have been my preferred route - but I didn't see any value in producing what would have been a **fifth** perl Markdown implementation.


(http://svn.kulp.ch/cpan/text_multimarkdown/branches/ splitcode_unshell_Text-Markdown/lib/Text/Markdown.pm is where I am now, more stuff needs fixing / pulling apart to be able to do Text::MultiMarkdown without so much c&p code)
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