On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any inferred nesting would have to subordinate them to an implied
> 3rd item in the surrounding unordered list that is not written
> out in these examples – semantically equivalent roughly to this:
> -  foo
> -  bar
> -
>   1. baz
>   1. quux
> -  qux
Not necessarily. Take the following example (with 4 spaces before item "two"):

-  one
    2. two

With the exception of Maruku (which falls flat on it's face here),
every implementation consistently renders this:

<li>one <ol>

While I hate to deflate any argument against option B, the fact is,
there doesn't have to be any "implied 3rd item in the surrounding
unordered list". However, without the indentation, I don't think it's
clear to the casual reader that that should be a nested ordered list -
which I've already discussed in my previous comment.

Waylan Limberg
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