On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:04 PM, Benoit Perdu - TransMékong wrote:

Taking David's example further, here is a first try:

 id |  name   |   description     |      more info
  6 | Inset   | An inset element  | just one element
  8 | Stories | Another element   | another element
                                  : with 2 lines, without
                                  : colons on the left.
  9 | Other   | Another element   | another element
    :         :                   : with 2 lines, with
    :         :                   : colons on the left.
  5 | Illust. | An illustration   | new line, would this do?
    :         : and I think you   : Is it parseable?
    :         : know what I mean.

The colon at each empty cell looks like vertical ellipsis, that makes it
pretty legible

Yes, nice. I think I like how it looks without the left colons better, though it could potentially work both ways.

Adding a 'wrappable' cell definition would go a long way to make it perfect.

Do you mean something more should be added, or that the use of `:` to define wrapped cells in this example is what goes a long way?



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