On Feb 25, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Sherwood Botsford wrote:

One minor change. You don't need pipes in the horizontal separator lines. E.g:
       id |  name   |  description     |      more info

They could be optional; I prefer them.

Tables are critters where formatting is tangled with content.  And
with proportional type, a text only system requires agreement on tab
spacing at minimum to get anything to look right. (I'm not a fan of
monospace, so all these examples are wonky.)

I think you might be using the wrong markup language, then. The use of monospace fonts is an expectation for reading Markdown. Really, it's the whole point.

Add to this, the need for centering, the need for column spans.

Allignment could be done with your horizontal separators.

|-----------|  Means use your default alignment. (Same as cell above)
|<--------| Means left alignment. The < can appear anywhere between the |'s
|---------->| Means right alignment.
|-----=----| means center alignment.

I dislike these. I have other ideas for alignment, but I need to do some more thinking and drafting before I have a proposal to submit.

Column spans could be done by replacing the pipe with an underscore.
|This is a cell that spans two|
columns, and is centred.
|Column 1  |Column 2|

I'm working in a proportional font, so the above example is sure to be wonky.

Yes, and basically illegible.

Note that these two ideas are contradictory.

To merge, them (makes reading slightly harder, but writing slightly easier.

| Default alignment |
|< Left Alignment <|
|> Right Alignment >|
|= Centered alignment =|

The alignment tags don't have to be paired, but can be for eye candy purposes.

|| Spans two columns of the stuff below |
|  Column 1 | Column 1 |

IMHO, any formatting should be invisible in Markdown. That is, it should be implicit. The use of all these extra characters to show alignment and whatnot makes for ugly text-only tables.



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