Le 2009-07-16 à 14:05, yy a écrit :

There are many questions I have, I know some test suites and am trying
to pass those tests. When I don't know how to handle a corner case I
use to check with Dingus. I would really appreciate if somebody could
explain me the output of this text:

       this paragraph is outside of list blocks

       * #this is not a h1
       * ##this is not a h2
       * ###and this is not a h3
       * but the next one is

         #an h1!
         inside a list item, ok, but...

       * ###wtf is this?

       bad, bad, bad...

The algorithm in Markdown.pl resumes to this:

1. The content of a list item which contains a blank line is treated
   as block-level content.

2. The content of a list item preceded by a blank line, when it's not
   the first item of a list, is teated as block level content.

3. The content of a list item followed by a blank line, when it's not
   the last item of a list, is teated as block level content.

4. Otherwise, the content is parsed for sublists and the rest is
   span-level content.

       - btw, this an h1, not a list item

       - but indenting...

       that's better

The algorithm in Markdown.pl resumes to this:

1. Any non-blank line followed by a non-indented line of three or more of
   consecutive `=` is treated as a h1 header. Inside a h1 header only
span-level content is allowed. Oh, and Makrdown.pl searches for headers
   before checking for lists, so it won't see a list here.

I'm not claiming any of this makes any sense. Just how Markdown.pl (and PHP Markdown) works.

Michel Fortin

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