Hi David,

Yes, as the published form of a markdown document, the HTML representation
of the document would presumably have a wide readership.

However, what if you want to include a markdown document, or even just a
fragment of markdown, in an email?   It might be forwarded to many readers
without ever being published as HTML.  What if you want to write markdown
for the purpose of a discussion group like this one?  It might be read by
hundreds of readers without ever being published as HTML.

Additionally, if you would like to see markdown as a supported input format
for tools such as wikis, forums, blogs, issue management systems, and so on
(in fact, any tool where the source document itself can be retrieved,
reviewed, and updated/edited inline) then your source document will possibly
be read and reread by many users over the life time of the document.

Perhaps these scenarios are worth considering too?


On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 2:01 PM, David Parsons <o...@pell.portland.or.us>wrote:

> On May 14, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Simon Bull wrote:
>  Michel and Dr.Dang both commented that it is easier to author/edit tables
>> as HTML than as aligned text.
>> I am not sure I personally agree with this, but assuming that it is true
>> for some significant part of the authorship, then I would like to add:
>> In my original post I stated my belief that the needs of the _reader_ come
>> before the needs of the _writer_.  I don't agree that the needs of one
>> author outweigh the needs of five hundred, ten, or even just two readers.
>>  The writer may well be inconvenienced once by having to align text into a
>> table, but the *readers* are in inconvenienced n many times by having to
>> read tables of HTML.
>   I presume that the readers will be reading the
> entire document in html, via a viewer that renders
> html into a more pleasing format.
>   -david parsons
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