Three people on markdown-discuss in agreement? Must be a new record. :)

Thanks for weighing in, Waylan.


On 5 June 2011 18:57, Waylan Limberg <> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:35 PM, David Chambers
> <> wrote:
> > Michel Fortin <> wrote:
> >>
> >> I'd tend to go for something even simpler:
> >>
> >>        Some text 30 May 2011 more text.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>        *[30 May 2011]: 2011-05-30 15:00 -07:00
> >>
> >> Basically, why do we need to force brackets in the text at all? Also,
> why
> >> force the writer to use 'T' as a time separator and strictly follow to
> the
> >> rules of HTML date syntax? It's much more readable without the 'T'.
> >> Reformatting it to HTML's liking should be pretty trivial.
> >
> > I love this idea. I'm unfamiliar with PHP Markdown Extra's abbreviation
> > syntax (I'll read up on it); building upon an established convention
> sounds
> > very sensible to me.
> I'll have to say I like this as well. It hadn't occurred to me that
> like the abbreviation syntax, we don't need to mark up the text at
> all.
> Regarding the time v. datetime, I picked datetime because that is the
> name of the html attribute the same value would be assigned to. But
> time is certainly shorter. Maybe you won't need either as Michel
> suggests.
> --
> ----
> \X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
> Waylan Limberg
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