On Monday, June 13, 2011 at 2:10 PM, David Parsons wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2011, at 1:02 PM, Alan Hogan wrote:
> > If you don't mind me reviving this issue, I just thought of another 
> > use case in which this bug, in its augmented definition that 
> > includes different list type markers, could rear its head.
> > 
> > Consider this source document:
> > 
> > ~~~~~~~~
> > 
> > Pros and Cons:
> > 
> > + Tasty
> > + Can sell wings and hooves as well as meat
> > + Only I know where to find them (obscene profits!)
> > 
> > - Endangered
> > - Hard to market as most people will believe to be a hoax
> That's a good example, but it would also require carrying
> over the item marker which is another thing that's not
> supported yet (though I would say that it would fall into
> the "to-be-supported-later" bucket that paying attention
> to list markers for enumerated lists is already in.)
> And now that I think about it, one problem with a feature
> that requires class awareness is what happens with a syndication
> feed that strips away the class arguments and simply spits out
> vanilla html? That would be a pretty radical change in meaning
> from a wire article that's got what looks like one big list with
> a paragraph break in the middle to the fully cssed webpage that's
> got the plusses and minuses neatly laid out. As markdown sits
> right now, stripping away the css just results in a more vanilla
> presentation.
> -david parsons

You raise a good point, but I don’t think that’s reason to prevent such a 

Some points:

1. In at least my browser, consecutive ULs actually have a blank line between 


(Screenshot of rendering in my browser: http://cl.ly/2X3Q1x3x172n060M3m2L)

2. Savvy authors writing for RSS-enabled feeds should know not to rely on CSS 
styles in any fashion, including the speculative kind I suggested.

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