On Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 6:49 PM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan wrote:

>  On 06/23/2011 05:29 PM, bowerb...@aol.com (mailto:bowerb...@aol.com) wrote: 
> > alan said:
> > >  I think I am in agreement, 
> > >  if by "isn't necessary" you mean to say that
> > >  simply providing more features to Markdown 
> > >  doesn't force end users to use them, 
> > >  or even really know they exist.
> > 
> >  except that wasn't what i meant.
> > 
> >  i mean that it's not necessary to trade simplicity
> >  in order to get the power of additional features...
> > 
> >  indeed, i believe that -- in the purview of a system
> >  whose chief asset is its simplicity -- that would be
> >  a bad trade.  and, as i've read gruber, so would he;
> >  he is an admirer of the grace apple brings to bear.
> > 
> > 
> > >  I know I am firmly on the side of "this stuff -- 
> > >  footnotes, DLLs, fenced code, attributes on headers, 
> > >  automatic TOC -- is useful, and sensibly implemented 
> > >  in the Markdown plain-text spirit, and thus good," myself.
> > 
> >  i am all in favor of all of those more-powerful features.
> > 
> >  i just don't believe it's necessary to give up _simplicity_
> >  in order to get them.  you might have to sacrifice some
> >  _customizability_, but that's an acceptable trade, for me.
> > 
> >  at one point, i was ready to discuss a range of stuff that
> >  could reduce the complexity of markdown variants, but
> >  nobody else seemed interested in having that discussion.
> >  so the moment passed.  and i'm not inclined to do it now.
> > 
> >  but, just as one for-instance, "markdown extra" lets you
> >  assign an i.d. attribute to a header, by adding it like this:
> > >  ## Header 2 ##  {#header2}
> > 
> >  the extra power that this gives users is undeniable, and
> >  much-needed.  but that convention is just an ugly hack.
> >  it's extra work, and it's error-prone, plus it looks awful.
> >  why wouldn't/shouldn't an i.d. be assigned automatically?
> > 
> >  so other variants, such as "multimarkdown", do just that.
> >  but, even in its own user-manual, it gets itself confused,
> >  with multiple headers being auto-assigned the same i.d.:
> > 
> > >  id="advanced"
> > >  id="basic"
> > >  id="bibtex"
> > >  id="compiling"
> > >  id="footnotes"
> > >  id="images"
> > >  id="rawhtml"
> > 
> >  pandoc checks for such duplicates, and appends a suffix
> >  (-1, -2, etc.) to assure that each one has a unique value...
> >  that's an ok solution, except that it makes it difficult to
> >  know what the i.d. is for any specific header because you
> >  have no idea whether it required an appendage, or not...
> > 
> >  i myself, with z.m.l., simply require that each header be
> >  unique to begin with, thus avoiding that potential glitch.
> >  and i assign an i.d. to each paragraph, because... why not?
> > 
> >  that's how you give the user more power _without_ adding
> >  more complexity.  (or gumming up the file with any crap.)
> > 
> >  -bowerbird
>  Fascinating --- I read this list and I see feature requests and discussions 
> going nowhere because nobody gets beyond the fact the bdfl of markdown has 
> gone awol. Thus the base markdown is Gruber's perl markdown implementation. 
> Anything that others add are "above and beyond" the base (even if they fix 
> edge cases). Thus markdown-extra for tables and such.
>  Yet here we are discussing a zen-to-markdown converter and want to know 
> which "above and beyond" version it should adhere to. Sorry but, in light of 
> the very real inability of anyone else to take over as bdfl and point the 
> way, if you want to convert to markdown you currently need to use the base 
> perl markdown as the reference. Otherwise you're converting to a superset of 
> markdown.
>  You could create a converter zml-to-pandoc, or zml-to-multimarkdown, but 
> they won't be zml-to-markdown. And really, the choice depends on your target 
> audience and what they are going to do with it.

Right. You, Seumas, have eloquently underlined the urgency of the situation. 
This is why I support David Chambers' fledgling efforts to document the 
Markdown that is emergent and fragmented, on Github, in hopes of working 
towards greater unity. And it's why, if I find time, I hope to help in this 
effort, by documenting differences in a central location. I'm building a 
start-up at the moment, though, so if anyone else is interested in taking this 
on, then please do so, by all means.



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