On 08/05/2011 05:55 PM, Dan Katri wrote:
I don't think you can blame him for saying this on his blog where it will reach millions. I'm pretty sure everyone on this mailing list reads daring fireball.

Well, ALMOST everyone. Frankly there are NO blogs that I read, only ones that I find searching for a specific topic. Then I read that specific entry. I also can't be bothered with twitter ...

On 5 Aug 2011, at 20:32, Andy Lee <ag...@mac.com <mailto:ag...@mac.com>> wrote:

As Bowerbird pointed out in an earlier message, there has been a rise recently in Markdown apps. I would guess the people asking have been among the developers of those apps, and I would guess they have included developers prominent enough to get his attention.

I saw the following exchange on Twitter recently between Gruber and the developer Gus Mueller. I don't have any more context than this:

ccgus: @gruber UTI.  Markdown.  UTI.

Hint, hint.

UTI. [http://twitter.com/ccgus/status/98870955245441024]
gruber: @ccgus Shit, forgot about that. Will do tomorrow or tonight. [http://twitter.com/gruber/status/98909687612837888]

As for Gruber not posting here, my gut feeling is that he has no interest in contributing to Markdown (or any other project) in any technical way, even to set direction or endorse a successor.

The nearest thing you'll get to a public feedback mechanism is to mention @gruber on Twitter or to use <http://daringfireballwithcomments.net> (Safari only).


On Aug 5, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Alan J. Hogan wrote:

Anyone know what or who prompted this?


On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:36 AM, bowerb...@aol.com <mailto:bowerb...@aol.com> wrote:

this is fascinating:
> http://daringfireball.net/linked/2011/08/05/markdown-uti

i don't know (and don't care about) any possible significance of
such a pronouncement on a "uniform type indicator", but i think
that it's interesting that gruber has decided to make _any_ type
of statement on markdown, with the big moves now underfoot,
and doubly so when he chooses to communicate it via his blog
-- which is public, but has zero public feedback mechanism --
and not also here, where markdown developers hold discussions.

this is not a judgment -- of any type -- merely an observation...

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