fletcher said:
>    For any consensus to come about, 
>    I think we need to agree on the 
>    fundamental purpose and philosophy of 
>    the consensus we claim to be interested in. 

it would be nice.

>    Otherwise many of these discussions will 
>    continue to occur without much hope of 
>    moving forward to any actual outcome/resolution. 


>    it's just a bunch of us sitting around 
>    explaining why we each think 
>    our own dog food is the best. 

uh-huh.   and what's really ironic is that you're
not even polling the general-public dogs you
hope will eat the food that you're putting out...

y'all seem to believe that they'll eat _anything_.

>    But in the meantime, MMD will continue to 
>    march forward

great to hear it!

>    a Mac OS X text editor with built-in MMD 
>   syntax highlighting, exporting, and editing 
>    that I hope to release in the next month or two

wha...   "the next month or two"?   what's the hold-up?

>    and I hope to put together a proof of concept 
>    native MMD parser for iOS (built using the same code 
>    as the desktop version) if no one else out there 
>    beats me to it (which would be a welcome turn of events!)

i don't understand why a parser has to be so hard...

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