On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Michel Fortin <michel.for...@michelf.ca> wrote:
> Le 2012-08-06 à 21:07, Waylan Limberg <way...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> I just received a report [1] that the footnote output we use in
>> Python-Markdown (an exact copy of PHP Markdown Extra [3]) is not valid
>> HTML [3]. If you notice he's using HTML5. At least the footnote syntax
>> does valid on XHTML1 or HTML4. Anyway, any suggestions on how the
>> various footnote implementations want to move forward with this?
>> [1]: https://github.com/waylan/Python-Markdown/issues/129
>> [2]: http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#fn-output
>> [3]: 
>> http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.posativ.org%2F2012%2Flinkschleuder-26%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
> Another link you might want to check out:
> <https://github.com/michelf/php-markdown/wiki/HTML5-update>
> I'm not actually sure what to do about this. One idea is to have a master 
> switch making all output HTML5-conformant. The real problem is that some 
> people might be relying on the current markup, stylesheets at least. So that 
> switch should be disabled by default, which would ensure almost no one gets 
> HTML5 markup.

Interestingly, in Python-Markdown we have an output-format [1] switch
which can be set to various versions of HTML and/or XHTML. Although,
all HTML versions get the same output and all XHTML versions get the
same output. The only difference (right now) between HTML and XHTML
are things like `<hr>` verses `<hr />`.

Of course, following markdown.pl's lead, the default is XHTML, so
yeah, most will never get HTML5 output. Although, I suppose we could
easily have our footnote extension not add the `rel` and `rev`
attributes to footnotes when HTML5 is selected. Seems silly though -
to have a less semantic document because an unfinished standard has
depreciated a commonly used syntax, especially when no browser will
trip on it - just for the sake of having a document validated by an
"experimental" validator.

[1]: http://packages.python.org/Markdown/reference.html#output_format

\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
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