I want to thank bowerbird for the p.s., below.

Softcover looks like a dream-come-true. I hope.

Hope springs eternal, I think, as I finally open up the terminal window. Sounds 

Nancy Birnes
- - - - - - - - - -

On Mar 6, 2014, at 10:16 PM, bowerbird <bowerb...@aol.com> wrote:

> deidre said:
>>  XSL-FO + FOP
>>  http://deirdre.net/making-book-a-technological-evolution/
> interesting.
>>  Nowadays, you can do it at the command line on a Mac
> nowadays, markdown input to multiple e-book output formats
> is basically a one-click process, and involves no terminal use.
> i'm actively developing in this arena, if anyone wants information.
> -bowerbird
> p.s.  and if you want to sell your e-books, there's always leanpub,
> as well as softcover.io, a brand-new entrant on the e-book scene.
> p.p.s.  the coolest markdown-related shit out today is strapdownjs.
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