On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 00:41:28 +0100 (MET), c. schwarm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> reading the recent discussion, I had the slight feeling that some things got
> mixed up concerning LiveCDs/CDs.
> One part of the discussion is about media files. I considered this a nice
> discussion but basically it's the decision of Ubuntu, if there will be
> non-free stuff on the CD, right?

Well, Ubuntu will let us put whatever we want on there. It is mostly
up to them whether a player for it is there or not ;)

> The second part is a _CD_ for the college outreach project. This is
> something completely different: It's goal is to distribute GTK/GNOME
> applications for scientific use, including a desktop and OS. This, at least,
> was my intention when I suggested it.

My focus right now is something that can be handed out at conferences
and to members of the media who want to understand exactly what is
going on at the cutting edge of GNOME. A more college-oriented CD
would be fine and useful, but isn't my current focus. Perhaps you
could write out specific requirements, use cases, and software
suggestions for a college CD here:


so we can work on it in the future (near or far, depending on how the
more pure 'marketing' one goes?)

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