On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 12:16 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:

> > My suggestion is:
> > 
> > Gnome - easy and efficent
> I like it. It doesn't say *what* GNOME is, but I don't think that we 
> really need to in a slogan.

It is not really a slogan but more a message that I had previously used
to promote Gnome. That's why I had put it too on the bootsplash and the
desktop background of the french liveCD.

Imho most people can't distinguish between OS and desktop. Thus for
marketing purposes one can freely choose some positive attributes and
stay away from technology.

> > Just compare the overly cluttered menues of ... to Gnome. The ease
> <snip>
> > a heavy ... dominance in my local linux user group.
> Aren't we allowed to say KDE on the list? :)

Well - we are :) but "overly cluttered" is not really a friendly
description and I didn't want to provoke any KDE-person probably lurking
on the list :o) I have seen too many of these silly Gnome/KDE flame
wars and didn't want to be a target...


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