<quote who="Luis Villa">

> > > http://annodex.net/
> > 
> > Annodex would actually be pretty awesome for the liveCD- thanks for the
> > suggestion. Looks like content creation, for our purposes, wouldn't be
> > particularly more difficult than the other proposed formats, though the
> > lack of a standalone player might be a little bit of a PITA (I'm not
> > terribly excited about having a browser frame around all the demos on
> > the CD.)
> Oh, and the firefox-specificness of the plugin (AFAICS) is probably also a
> problem.

The Annodex hackers (who all love GNOME, although some have a habitual OSX
problem) plan to help get browsing controls into Totem at some stage (Xine
already has support for Annodex, and Jan Schmidt is doing GStreamer Annodex
stuff in his spare time).

- Jeff

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