Dave Neary wrote:


We should probably do something for Software Freedom Day (even if it's only letting more people know about it) http://softwarefreedomday.org/ - it's the second year it's been help, and I think it's a really good idea which deserves traction and attention.

I don't know what we can do, in particular, apart from encouraging local groups to form groups for the event, or join existing groups, putting a splash for the event on our front page at some stage (before the 2.12 release, I think), and organising release parties for 2.12 to coincide with it. But even if that's all we do, I'm for it.

Canonical Ltd. is sponsoring SFD 2005, meaning that loads of Ubuntu CDs (both installation and live) will be available to the end users. In addition, the OpenCD will be available, which has cross-platform applications based on GNOME technologies.

A task would be to inform the end-users that they are using software based on GNOME technologies. * Perhaps rework the About dialog menu to show prominently that the app is based on GNOME technologies. * Do application branding around the idea "Based on GNOME technologies", "GNOME Inside" (hmm), or a logo with a foot, the word Inside, in a cirlce.


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