Tom von Schwerdtner wrote:

On 6/7/05, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of the things that came out of GUADEC was that the website needs
some work. Over at the marketing team, a couple of people are working on
a checklist of things to do so that we can carve this up into
microtasks, making the job a little less daunting.

It would be great to get people from this list involved over there.

My main pet-peev with the current site(s) is the jumble of links at
the top of the page (next to the logo).  These links sometimes go to
different sites with an entirely differnt look and sometimes the site
they go to has differnet links at the top of the page.


1- Links at the top (next to the logo) should all stay within and be consistant througout the site.

2- Links to other famly sites (developer, art, whatever)
should be in the far upper right corner of the page (on top of the
header image).  If not up in the corner, at least make it clear that
they are not in-site navigation.

Speaking of the website, have you seen this: ?
Claus has some rather good ideas in there.
I'm eager to do some webwork, currently doing some redesign of the bugzilla someone asked me to do the other night. Will put up some mockups soon, so they can be discussed and perhaps some css-classes can be reusable for the entire site in the end.
- Andreas
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