Hi Luis,

I share your view on this, it's not a distro and in that sense it has it's own particular merits.  I've seen some other live cd's show up in distrowatch in the past, from my experience I say having a resource as the live gnome cd listed in distrowatch would proof useful for new commers, the only thing that I have to add is to that if it's listed in distrowatch it should have very particular comments as what to expect from the cd so newcommers don't go ahead and see something they where not expecting.

anyhow those are my 2 cents.

On 9/11/05, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/11/05, Jaap Haitsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think listing the LiveCD at Distrowatch.com and sending in a small
> news update every time a new release is made can boost the number of
> downloads and therefore amongst others also the testing of GNOME.

hrm. I'm a little hesitant to do that, since it does not install and
as such isn't a real distro. But I guess several other liveCDs do, so
maybe we should. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

P.S. Should we move liveCD off to its own list?
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