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Scroll down for a draft of the web site structure.

One important change is the seperation of a frontpage and what is now
called 'user'. In your mockup, 'support' should thus point to

Additionally, the organization according to servers such as
art.gnome.org should vanish: A reader is not interested to learn on
which servers the information is, and experienced readers such as
developers can be expected to manage bookmarks.

Feel free to add info's to the wiki page if you're missing something.

One thing, I missed in the presented design mockups is the right-hand
navigation: When browsing full-screen at 1024x768, the menu is at the
upper right corner. This is bad from a usability point of view.

I've noticed this for our release notes: I just didn't saw the
navigation and wondered if the first page was indeed the complete
release note. Right-hand site menus just work for small, fixed width
layouts, and no mockup fixed it yet.

Btw, I don't think anybody would accept frames. ;-)


On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 20:04:04 +1000
Hugh Buzacott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am still pushing for a new GNOME.org so I created a mock-up.
> The mock-up is at http://www.geocities.com/bzctt/ and is only a front
> page but has links to the rest of normal GNOME.org through the header.
> It is just a suggestion so if you have any ideas and so forth just
> send them.
> Thanks,
> Hugh Buzacott.
> Oh. To view it correctly you have to minimize the 'Sponsored Links'
> bar at the side.
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