On Sat, 2006-07-22 at 21:52 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Hi there,
> We're looking for a small group of volunteers to handle the writing of
> the release notes for GNOME 2.16. There's no need to be a technical
> person for this. Really.
> Murray, and then Davyd have been leading this effort for past releases
> and might have some very wise advises to share (and maybe they'll want
> to lead again?).
> So, I guess that's it. Ideally, we'd find one volunteer soon and she/he
> will be able to find other people to help :-)
> Oh, I nearly forgot about it: there's also the press release. Claus and
> Corey have been heroes there, but I don't know if they have time to
> continue...

It looks like there are people willing to write.  I'll offer my
services as a language and style editor.  This offer stands, by
the way, for any documents produced by the marketing team, such
as the tour document.  I think the marketing and documentation
teams should have a good working relationship for this kind of


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