<quote who="Joachim Noreiko">

> --- Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I see wgo/apps/ page as an about box on steroids. It would be _the_ pace
> > to go to find out some basic info about a gnome app.
> That's a good way of putting it :)
> Material that is currently in wgo/projects that is more aimed at
> developers should go on live.g.o, or whatever lgo turns into.

Disagree. A core function of our web presence is attracting contributors and
letting people know that the power of Free Software can be theirs, too. We
should have "how to get involved" information on these pages.

Gergely: s/applications/products/ - or you'll forget about a whole bunch of
things that will need to fit in with this. :-)

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
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