On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 17:12 +0200, Quim Gil wrote:
> If you were looking for info about Evolution you probably will know. If
> you don't have a clue what Evolution is, /app/evolution won't give you
> much more info ("it is an application" - "great, but almost everything
> in gnome are apps, so what").

How about the evolution of gnome, i.e. how it all started? We cannot
guarantee somebody won't come up with an app/project/product name that
won't clash with other "normal" content...

> A suggestion: let's get the wgo/projects vs projects.go discussion out
> of the way. Anyway we are not going to touch anything on this
> subdirectory/subdomain in the current release. I don't think either
> option conditions the discussion of wgo in any case.
> > We'd be
> > crucified it those just disappeared until the next web release :)
> If we keep wgo/projects the CMS needs to deal with this. If we create
> projects.go we need to keep redirects from the current URLs. No project
> website disappears in any case. Another reason to keep this out of the
> discussion now.

Hmm. So we are talking about leaving wgo/projects/* _as is_ for this
release, and all this fuss is about a simple list of software, whose
usefulness is debated? And so far that was all the discussion that
involved the contents the new of wgo? That's a surprise. I must have
misunderstood something badly...

My humble vote is against a bastard solution where both old and new
"CMS" content is served under www.gnome.org/. I consider this a
show-stopper for the new release. If we are not ready, we should not


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