El dj 24 de 08 del 2006 a les 14:13 +0200, en/na PingunZ va escriure:

> - Lets say 10 - 20 icons of most popular programs in gnome.

10 better than 20, although we will see in the mockups what fits best. I
would go for nice and quite self-descriptive icons. For instance, Ekiga
has a nice icon but... if you know what Ekiga is you won't have a clue
what this icon stands for. Instead, Evolution's envelope+clock or all
the icons of sections (graphics, games...) and many pannel icons are
quite cool and descriptive, even if they don't correspond to popular

An exception to this rule could be the inclusion of the icons (if
available) of new modules, since they are something strongly attached to
2.16: Orca, Alacarte, Gnome Power Manager, gtk#/gnome# and Tomboy.

Another exception could be the 2.16 top novelties that Vincent + release
team need to decide. 

> - The ones who are the most modified in a bigger shape then the
> others. 

I would do this based on aesthetic criteria: put bigger the ones you
like more. There is no easy way to define what is "most modified"

> - The colors I'll make it in.

The ones present in a default GNOME desktop?

> - The text, like " Simply Powerful " or " The smooth desktop " 

It is easy to rewrite a slogan in a banner. I'm for starting with "The
smooth desktop" and then integrate better candidates as they come from
the discussion here. The slogan deadline would be August 30, when all
texts need to go for translation (the slogan will be featured also in
the common 2.16 page).

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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