Hi all!
I'm writing this in fear of opening a can of worms, but in order to 
avoid the whole community to hunt me down with tar and feathers, I 
thought I better do a quick check on how you feel about a idea of mine. ;)
Thomas Wood and myself was thinking of doing a cool splash on the 
gnome.org frontpage showing off the N800 device with a text saying "runs 
gnome technology, fits in your pocket.." or something together with a 
pic of the cool little machine.
How do you people feel about that?
I know we don't promote distros when they come out, politically polite 
as we are, but GNOME tech powering a small device like that is too cool 
to not show off. And well, I guess it would shut a osnews reporter or 
two that think GNOME development is stalling up. :)
- Andreas
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