On Sun, 2007-12-16 at 22:40 +0100, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> Hi!
> A link on the front of gnome.org, under the section "GNOME t-shirts 
> available" sent me to this page [1].
> It seems we could need a t-shirt that looks a bit sexier. I did a gnome 
> t-shirt design for Fosdem last year [2] with a bit cleaner design that 
> we can probably reuse. Anyone against replacing the current one? And if 
> not, how can I get in contact with the Hackerheads people?
> 1. http://www.hackerthreads.com/go.asp?Cc=GNOME
> 2. http://andreasn.se/diverse/temp/gnome-tshirt.png
> - Andreas

Nice idea, Andreas. I like the simple design. I'll order one when
available :)

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