On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 17:30 +0100, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> Hey,
> I've just had the idea of thanking people that are small contributors
> with a small present, like giving everyone that submitted a patch in
> 2007 a t-shirt or anyone that contributed to translations a nice pen.
> Something that says "I contributed to Gnome"; something to thank a
> part of the horde that improves Gnome every day. I know I would have
> liked something like that in my early hacking days. (I'd still like it
> today. :)) You could probably also nicely market that with press
> releases etc. When I suggested that idea on IRC, people liked it and
> suggested I raise it here. Here it is.

Nice idea indeed.  We already do that to those donating to GNOME.  So,
while we may not be able to do for every GNOME contributor, we should
definitely do for the more hard-worker ones.  Think bugzilla stats,
commit stats, translation stats, etc.

Any one item (no matter how small) and sending it out costs at least 10
to 15 dollars.  I'm sure we can allocate funds for sending out a hundred
of them.  Someone (you?) should bring a concrete proposal to board for

> Cheers,
> Benjamin


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 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
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