On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:33 PM, Simos Xenitellis

> As already suggested, delegating the choice of the new logo to the Art
> Team is the typical thing to do.

Yes, thanks. That would be much better than my primitive drawings.

> My concern is in the practicalities when trying to apply the new logo
> in a distribution.
> If you have your own distribution, you can make all sort of changes,
> so it it OK.

In fact, I've been trying to push this upstream because I'm using Debian,
which tries to keep upstream looks as much as possible. Besides,
I prefer promoting upstream GNOME for more contributors.
For example, it would be difficult to convince translators to work
with GNOME, rather than launchpad, when few people care about
GNOME, or even know what it is.

> What you might want to explore is how to make the logo theme-able.
> That is, you can select a theme that would alter the logo in all
> places in GNOME.
> You can then create a package with this cut-down logo-changing theme
> that a user can either install on demand, or it is installed
> automatically when the user selects, for example, Thai support.

To begin with, I've already got a minimal theme, as mentioned ealier
in the list [1]. And, yes, figuring out how to make it installed for target
users is the next step to think about. Thanks. For Debian in particular,
it can be done via tasksel. But I'm also seeking for possibility of
upstream solution.

  [1] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2008-November/msg00009.html

> Assuming that it is possible to change the logo through theming, you
> may then choose a logo that has a special meaning to SE Asia.

Yes, especially if I can define the exact regions that would benefit
from this solution. My current thought is to make it applicable

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