On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 22:09 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:
> > OTOH, I have wonder if it would be fair to our current Advisory Board
> > members to give other companies paying less the same marketing benefit,
> > can we consider that the seat in AB is worth -say- $4000 or should we
> > limit the marketing benefits of our possible smaller companies?
> You want to lower ad board fees?

Oh sorry, disregard that number, I just wrote down one a bit distracted.

> > I'm thinking that we can get perhaps 8 small companies supporting with
> > 1000 USD per year, what could we offer them? what would we keep as
> > exclusive to our AB members?
> We might follow the GIMP & KDE models, and simply have a page where we 
> list benefactors of the foundation, separately from the advisory board.

Yes, that could work, they might ask for having a logo plus their name
in the thank you pages instead of just their name. Just an idea.

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