I'd like to preface this email with a couple thoughts.  I'd like to
apologize for not continuing the brainstorming discussion in recent weeks,
but something John said made me take a different approach.  John's right - a
lot of this has been discussed before.  With that thought, I decided to
write a Marketing Brief.  I used content that was in the wiki, on the web,
and my own thoughts and opinions.

I'm currently at a docs conference, and one of our keynote speakers said
something, that basically sums me up.  Doc writers are perfectionists, and
don't like to send stuff out until it's "complete".

Well, as you'll see, the Brief is only 75% complete.  You will see comments
and questions I have in parantheses and brackets, and whole paragraphs are
missing, and a few more citations are needed.  I should know better about
harnessing the power of community!

You can review it here:  http://live.gnome.org/MarketingBrief2009 - It's on
the wiki - so edit, review, and give feedback.  If you disagree with any
points I have, let's talk about it here on the list.

Additionally, on Tuesday when I return home from this conference, I will
send out to the list 2 marketing campaign ideas for GNOME 3.0.  In addition
to Claus' campaign idea he posted on the list last month, I think we can
have some good discussion about that.


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