Hey Stormy,

I completely agree, just a few questions for clarification. what would
you like for us to convey in the blog posts about gnome 3? Just that
change happens and its badly needed? There is still a lot of confusion
in the community what is going to be included in gnome 3. Its a redesign
of the desktop experience but will it just be the main interface or will
programs follow suit and use clutter too? Is zeitgeist going to be
included as part of the default gnome stack?
Ill write something up and do some screenshots if the release team can
answer these questions. 

Shane Fagan

On Wed, 2010-01-13 at 10:28 -0700, Stormy Peters wrote:
> I've heard quite a few concerns from very happy users that GNOME 3.0
> is all about GNOME Shell and will force them to use GNOME Shell. For
> example, see this thread that a Friend of GNOME sent me:
> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13782.
> I think we need to counter this with a "What is GNOME 3.0" message. We
> are working on this with the material from the marketing hackfest but
> perhaps we could all start tagging GNOME 3.0 blogs and interviews that
> we do in del.ico.us or sharing them here so we can all expand on it.
> While change happens, and we can't stay the same forever, we need to
> make sure we listen to our existing happy users, make them feel
> listened to and address their needs as much as possible.
> I think it would be beneficial if the release team and the marketing
> team started coming out with blog posts and articles about what GNOME
> 3.0 is. If people are willing to write those articles, I can help find
> publications willing to host them.
> Stormy

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