On Sat, 2010-01-30 at 16:50 +0000, 07...@ipam.pt wrote:
> Hi all,
>  My name is Nelson and I'm Portuguese. I'm a graduate student from Marketin
> Management on IPAM (Portuguese Institute for Marketing Administration).
>  My plans are to take my Masters on Anthropology and later on my PhD on
> Neuro-Marketing.
>  I've been around in the Linux scene since 1998/99 (started with SuSE 5.1, 
> then
> moved to RedHat 5.1 later on) and despite I've worked most of life as a System
> Administrator, I've decided in 2007 it was time to move to something else,
> Marketing Management.
>  I've done some patching and coding the past, but those days are over for me.
>  Anything I can do to help GNOME, I'll be gladly willing to help, if possible
> within the "Product Management" perspective or "Product Communication".

Thanks for the interest have you readed
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeMarketing ?


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