
 I've contacted Mr. Jacob Volkner from AHEAD's office in Germany who is the 
European Press contact from AHEAD to answer me some questions related to AHEAD 
flagship product Nero (which also uses GTK2 Technology on it's Linux version).

 If they cooperate with me, I'm planning to write an article named "GNOME 
Desktop, interaction with Proprietary Software".

 Once I get more developments from Ahead AG, I'll keep people informed. It 
would be nice if they published a link in their webpage for the GNOME Journal 
article aswel. 



On Saturday 06 February 2010 09:53:05 pm Nelson Marques wrote
>  Hi Paul,
>  If the deadline is 10 of March, I'll do something up till the 3rd of
>  March. I would still like it to be reviewed first by a native english
>  speaker if possible.
>  NM
> On Saturday 06 February 2010 09:00:29 pm Paul Cutler wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Thanks to everyone who worked on getting GNOME Journal Issue 18 out the
> > door -  now it's time to plan the next issue!  I'm copying the marketing
> > list too as we're always looking for new writers or new article ideas.
> >
> > I've updated our main wiki page[1] to reflect an aggressive publication
> > schedule for 2010.  One of my personal goals is for GJ to continue to
> > publish on a regular schedule with lots of coverage of GNOME 3.0 this
> > year.
> >
> > Sumana and others have put some work in to our Article Wishlist page[2]
> > over the last few months - is there anyone out there that wants to try
> > their hand at writing an article?  Or if you have ideas for articles,
> > please add them.
> >
> > For Issue 19, we have Jono Bacon writing an article on opportunistic
> > programming and I've followed up with Stormy on a potential interview
> > with an Advisory Board member.
> >
> > Any one else want to try and write an article?  (Maybe a Behind the
> > Scenes interview with Seif about Zeitegeist?) Submissions would be due
> > approximately March 10th for an April 1st publication date[3].
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Paul
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
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