
2010/2/16 Stormy Peters <sto...@gnome.org>:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:10 AM, Lucas Rocha <luc...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So, I have the Friends of GNOME ruler ready to be published in three
>> of our sites:
>> GNOME (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1187037/wgo-ruler.png)
>> Planet (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1187037/planet-ruler.png)
>> Friends of GNOME (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1187037/friends-ruler.png)
>> Design done by Vinicius!
> Nice work!
>> So, what we need now is:
>> 1. Do we still want to keep the goal for sysadmin? Just checking.
> Yes, because we are about to declare victory and I think that would be good!
> Perhaps we could also preannounce another campaign at the same time.


>> 2. Add a bit more text in Friends of GNOME front page about the goal.
>> Maybe elaborate a bit more on the benefits of hiring a sysadmin?
>> Volunteers?
> Maybe we could reuse the text from the original announcement mail? With some
> wordsmithing ...
>  Keeping track of the routine day-to-day system administration tasks
>  is neither glamorous nor a lot of fun, but it's essential to keeping
>  the day-to-day work of thousands of GNOME contributors going. For
>  this reason, the foundation is hoping to hire a part-time sysadmin to
>  handle the coordination role on an ongoing basis. This is dependent
>  on obtaining sufficient funding.

I'm using this exact text in FoG front page now with the only change
of replacing the "This is dependent..." with "Your donations will help
us to achieve this goal!".

>> 3. Consolidate the current donations and sponsors and update the ruler
>> accordingly. Stormy, could you send this info?
> The numbers you have are good through the end of January.
> $5K Google
> $5K Nokia
> $10K Canonical
> $19,578 2009
> $1,587 2010

Ok, updated.

>> 4. Publish the ruler with a nice announcement about the goal. Need
>> volunteer to write the announcement to be sent to foundation-list and
>> posted in Planet GNOME. Stormy? Paul? Someone else?
> I can do this. (Multiple people blogging would be good.)

Nice. Let me know when you have the announcement ready. I think we're
ready to release the ruler.

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