
Your suggestion makes perfect sense and I would have takena  first stab at
the plan once we had an approval from the team.

Also along with all the things you suggested we should launch this mobile
giving campaign at some significant Gnome event (or atleast Gnome related
event) - Boston event may be too far but we should be able to find something
sooner. This will give us a decent captive audience allowing this campaign
to go viral (I am an optimist :).

Also we would engage the vendor and solicit their best practices - as they
give us a few more tools than just mobile payments (and we should leverage
all of them).

(since I am new - I will keep using this excuse as long as you guys allow me

Whats the process, when I know I have a go ahead to get the paperwork ready
for the vendor - they have sent it to me and I am just sitting on them
waiting for our team's approval.

Best Regards

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Brian Cameron <> wrote:

> Paul:
>  I think we should do this and use the $300 to try taking donations via
>> text message.
> The board also thought this was a good opportunity.  However, in order
> for such a mobile campaign to work well, there needs to be some plan
> to make the public aware that they can donate via this mechanism.
> I can imagine that social networking tools such as Facebook, MySpace,
> and LinkedIn could be used to get the message out.  Also, making use
> of things like our Amazon Store.  But, I could imagine that we could
> do more than even this (press releases, ads, etc.).
> While $300 is not a lot to spend, it does seem that if the GNOME
> marketing team plans to make use of this sort of tool that we need some
> sort of plan in place about how we will get the word out.  Shouldn't
> the GNOME marketing team put together at least a skeleton of a plan
> together before we spend the money?  Otherwise, I worry we will just
> spend the $300 and it will just go unused.
> Brian
>  Combined with your message about the declining Friends of GNOME
>> donations (taking out the one time donation we had last month) this
>> might help kickstart it again.
>> In a perfect world, I'd like us to to wrap up the Sysadmin banner and
>> get that launched and do this at the same time.  I know Lucas had
>> volunteered to try and finish that, but with the birth of his child, I'm
>> assuming he'll be away for a bit.  (I'll send a separate email on this
>> to try and get this finished).
>> Paul
>> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Stormy Peters <
>> <>> wrote:
>>    Marketing list folks,
>>    How should I interpret the absolute silence in response to this
>>    proposal?
>>    a) We don't want $300.
>>    b) Let's use the $300 to try taking donations via text message for 3
>>    months.
>>    c) I'd rather we spent the $300 on __________.
>>    Stormy
>>    On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Stormy Peters <
>>    <>> wrote:
>>        We discussed this in the GNOME board meeting.
>>        The board thinks it's a good idea to explore new opportunities
>>        like this and there's $300 the marketing team can use for this.
>>        (Or any other activities that are appropriate.)
>>        They did bring up the issue that we should have a plan for how
>>        we plan to get out the word. I agree with that. How are we going
>>        to advertise the fact that people can donate via text?
>>        So it's up to us, the marketing team, to decide if we want to do
>>        this and if so, how.
>>        Stormy
>>        On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Stormy Peters
>>        < <>> wrote:
>>            On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Bharat Kapoor
>>            < <>> wrote:
>>                Hi Stormy
>>                I will respond to this question in two steps.
>>                Part 1
>>                Breakeven - we need around 11 people giving 10 bucks for
>>                the 1st 3 months to breakeven.
>>                Part 2
>>                I think we should treat this as a pilot as we dont even
>>                know how our members will respond there will be an
>>                acceptance period and we should take the 300 bucks we
>>                pay them over 3 months as Capital Expense. At the end of
>>                3 month we should be in a position to decide further if
>>                this works or not - my assumption is that if we have
>>                around 20 folks giving we should be in good shape and
>>                since this is Tax free donation - we should send them
>>                receipts so technically it willo cost them between $7
>>                and $7.50 to make a donation of $10 to Gnome.
>>            +1 to investing $300 to see if it works. We'll have to make
>>            sure everyone is ready to advertise it on
>>            Planet/Identica/Twitter/Facebook, etc.
>>            What do others think?
>>            Stormy
>>    --
>>    marketing-list mailing list
>> <>
> --
> marketing-list mailing list
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